Engaging Local Leaders to Combat AMR: A Spotlight on the RBA Initiative

The RBA Initiative is harnessing the influence of local leaders to drive positive changes that can help slow the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). By focusing on common behaviors that contribute to AMR and exploring effective community engagement strategies, this program aims to enhance understanding and awareness of AMR among local leaders.

Through our initiative, local leaders are equipped with crucial knowledge about AMR, which they then disseminate within their communities. These leaders play a vital role in promoting responsible antimicrobial use and encouraging positive behavioral changes. Their involvement helps to amplify the message of AMR awareness and fosters a collective effort to combat this pressing issue.

We value the diverse experiences and stories shared by local leaders regarding antimicrobial use and the actions being taken to address AMR within their communities. To illustrate the impact of our work, we invite you to watch a testimony from a local leader in the Dodoma region of Tanzania, who participated in one of the RBA Initiative’s workshops.

Watch the testimony

For more insights and photos from our local leaders'' engagement, please visit our gallery here

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