Roll Back AMR School Clubs-Equipping AMR Agents of Change

  • The RBA Initiative is making a significant impact in Tanzania through its Roll Back AMR School Clubs project. This innovative program aims to educate and empower schoolchildren, transforming them into change agents who drive positive transformation in their communities. The Roll Back AMR School Clubs were highlighted as a successful example of community-focused support during the UN High-Level Interactive Dialogue on AMR on April 29, 2021. This program empowers schoolchildren to encourage their families and communities to adopt behaviors that reduce the spread and emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • By incorporating arts and crafts, the project communicates AMR concepts in an accessible and understandable way. Using songs, drama, traditional dance, drawing, poems, and competitions, the arts are central to this project, enhancing communication and engagement around AMR.
  • The core focus of the Roll Back AMR School Clubs project is to educate schoolchildren about AMR and the importance of preventing its spread. These young individuals are equipped with valuable information and resources to understand the underlying causes and risks associated with AMR. Through this education, they become ambassadors who drive positive behavioral changes within their communities. Our ambassadors share their knowledge with friends, family, and community members, creating a ripple effect that encourages the adoption of positive behaviors.
  • Through the implementation of the AMR School Clubs project, the RBA Initiative is laying the foundation for a future where AMR is effectively managed and minimized. By educating and empowering schoolchildren, we are nurturing a generation that understands the importance of antimicrobial stewardship and can contribute to global efforts in curbing AMR.
  • Join us in supporting the RBA Initiative as we create a lasting impact in the communities of Tanzania. Together, we can work towards a healthier future where the spread and emergence of antimicrobial resistance are successfully curtailed through empowered communities and proactive efforts

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