The RBA Initiative Bridging Program:Empowering Healthcare Interns on Antimicrobial sterwardiship and Resistance

  • The RBA Initiative "Bridging Program" in Tanzania aims to address critical gaps in knowledge and practices related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among healthcare interns. This program responds to a situation analysis revealing inappropriate antimicrobial use by healthcare workers and irrational antibiotic use at the community level, significantly contributing to antibiotic resistance. 
  • The program focuses on equipping healthcare interns with both theoretical and practical training in AMR stewardship, preparing them to become effective registered healthcare workers committed to preventing and managing AMR.By fostering interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts among different cadres of healthcare workers, the program aims to build a robust network of AMR champions.
  • By focusing on diverse geographical regions and professional backgrounds, the Bridging Program aims to promote sustainable change in healthcare practices and community awareness regarding AMR, ultimately contributing to a more effective and coordinated response to this pressing global health issue

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