Engaging Children in AMR Awareness through Arts and Crafts: The RBA Initiative's Innovative Approach

The RBA Initiative is transforming the way children learn about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through a variety of innovative and engaging methods. By incorporating arts and crafts, such as songs, drama, traditional dance, drawing, poems, games and competitions, along with storytelling and interactive learning, the program makes the complex topic of AMR both accessible and enjoyable for young learners.

A central goal of the Roll Back AMR School Clubs project is to empower students not only with knowledge about AMR but also with the skills to share this knowledge with their families and local communities. By becoming ambassadors of rational antimicrobial use, these students help spread awareness about the importance of preserving antimicrobial drugs and the actions everyone can take to combat resistance.

The program aims to create a ripple effect through the community, where trained students serve as advocates, promoting informed and responsible use of antibiotics among their peers and beyond.

To learn more about the Roll Back AMR School Clubs project, watch our detailed video AMR SCHOOL CLUBS DOCUMENTARY (youtube.com)

For a glimpse of the activities and impact of the Roll Back AMR School Clubs, check out our photo gallery here.


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