Safe Water,Sanitation and Hygiene-A key component of the Roll Back AMR School Clubs

  • One of the keyways to stop the spread of resistant microbes is largely dependent on maintaining good hand hygiene. It''s critical to concentrate on enhancing handwashing facilities in order to maximize the efficacy of the efforts against AMR and support positive behavioral change in hand hygiene. By encouraging appropriate hand hygiene habits, we can all work together to make the environment safer and healthier.
  • As a practical support of commitment to promoting hygiene practices and combating AMR, the RBA Initiative through its Roll Back AMR School Clubs has so far enabled the construction of new handwashing stations and the installation of water tanks in five secondary schools in Dodoma region of Tanzania. Recognizing the fundamental role of handwashing in preventing the spread of infections and reducing the need for antimicrobials use, these practical interventions were designed to be cost-effective and easily replicable, ensuring sustainability beyond the project''s lifespan. The handwashing stations aree strategically placed to serve as accessible hubs for maintaining proper hand hygiene within the school premises.
  • The installation of water tanks complements the handwashing stations, addressing the critical need for a reliable water supply. This not only facilitated consistent handwashing practices but also contributed to improved overall sanitation within the schools. By entrusting these essential resources to the clubs, the project aimed to empower students as agents of change, promoting the continued importance of hand hygiene in the ongoing fight against AMR.
  • One of the keyways to stop the spread of resistant microbes is largely dependent on maintaining good hand hygiene. It''s critical to concentrate on enhancing handwashing facilities in order to maximize the efficacy of the efforts against AMR and support positive behavioral change in hand hygiene. By encouraging appropriate hand hygiene habits, we can all work together to make the environment safer and healthier.

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