A happy parent reveals how her daughter is spreading AMR Awareness.

Devotha Samwel is one of the parents of the school children to whom RBA Initiative has provided education about antimicrobial resistance through RBA Initiative's AMR school club project. RBA Initiative had the opportunity to visit this parent at her home at Kikuyu ward in the Dodoma region. Ms. Devotha revealed, with a smile, how her daughter Levina has been spreading AMR knowledge." Levina has helped the whole family," she said. She briefly touched on some of the areas that her daughter has been emphasizing daily, including rational use of antibiotics, not taking medication before seeking medical advice, and hand hygiene and sanitation. "She has been reminding us that it is not appropriate to share a course of medicine and advising us to adhere to hand hygiene and sanitation." Ms. Devotha revealed watch video

The RBA Initiative is proud of members of its AMR Clubs program like Levina, who are now AMR champions for their families and community at large.

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