AMR Advocacy Workshop to Policy makers in Bahi District

Over recent years, Tanzania has been experiencing an increased frequency and magnitude of resistant microorganisms, clinically known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Consequently, has led to increased hospital stay and increased hospital costs (Gebeyehu et al., 2015).

Additionally, research shows that the impact of antimicrobial resistance is more devastating on developing countries/communities and they are already exposed to other conditions of vulnerability such unemployment, lack of AMR awareness, poverty and chronic diseases, particularly children (Murray et al., 2022).

The projected increase in death by 2050 shows there will be increasing in mortality and morbidity (Murray et al., 2022). This means the country will continue to suffer the negative effects of antimicrobial resistance for the longest time, during which communities will be subjected to high levels of poverty, very limited livelihood options and possible deaths, unless immediate mitigation measures are taken.

Recognizing the urgent need for a comprehensive and conceptualized understanding of vulnerability to the impact of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), through the support of the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs Fund and RBA Initiative initiated a project titled “SCALING UP THE RBA INITIATIVE AMR SCHOOL CLUBS PROJECT” in 2023, as one of essential interventions against AMR. Informed by the findings of the previous similar project conducted by the RBA Initiative, the design of the RBA Initiative AMR School Clubs project is structured such that the key challenges faced by the communities to effectively adapt and respond to AMR, are addressed.

The workshop was designed to cater to the needs of AMR policymakers, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping strategies to combat the escalating problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This forum aimed to provide policymakers with a nuanced and holistic understanding of the challenges posed by AMR and to explore effective strategies for mitigating its impact. The workshop fostered a collaborative environment where policymakers could engage in meaningful discussions and share insights, ultimately working towards the integration of AMR-focused policies and initiatives into the broader healthcare framework.

The proceedings of the workshops included among others, keynote addresses, power point presentations on AMR topic, One Health topic and project overview. These stimulated discussions and interactions among participants.

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