The RBA Initiave took part at the International Society to Improve the Use of Medicines (ISIUM) Conference in Bangkok

The RBA Initiative was honored to participate in the esteemed International Society to Improve the Use of Medicines (ISIUM) conference held in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This conference served as a platform for stakeholders from around the world to convene and engage in discussions regarding the critically important topics of rational medicine use and antimicrobial resistance.

At ISIUM, experts and professionals came together to share insights, best practices, and innovative approaches aimed at promoting responsible and effective medication practices while addressing the growing challenge of antimicrobial resistance. The collaborative efforts and diverse perspectives shared at the conference underscore the importance of united global action to combat these pressing health concerns.

The RBA Initiative is committed to leveraging the knowledge and experiences gained from attending ISIUM to further its mission of advocating for rational medicine use and fighting against antimicrobial resistance. By actively participating in events like ISIUM, we strive to stay at the forefront of developments in healthcare and contribute to meaningful community behavioral change in the field of medicine use worldwide.

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