Prince William takes on role in tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

In a positive development, the RBA Initiative warmly welcomed HRH Prince William's recent appointment as a Patron of the Fleming Centre. The Fleming Centre, presumably affiliated with Imperial College London, is named after Sir Alexander Fleming, the pioneer who discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic. This institution is at the forefront of combating AMR, making Prince William's patronage significant for the cause.

As a Patron of the Fleming Centre, Prince William is expected to play a crucial role in supporting global efforts to address Antimicrobial resistance.

When Erick Venant the founder of the RBA Initiative met HRH Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge at Kensington Palace, they both engaged in a conversation about the pressing challenge of AMR. Prince William's awareness of this global issue pleased Venant, prompting a discussion on the parallels between AMR and HIV/AIDS, a cause dear to Princess Diana's heart.

Princess Diana had made significant contributions in challenging HIV/AIDS stigma and advocating for improved treatment during her lifetime. Today, the world faces a similar challenge with HIV drug resistance, making it imperative to highlight the urgency of addressing resistance issues on a global scale, as Erick Venant shared in an interview with the local newspaper "The Citizen" back in 2019. Tanzanian pharmacist’s encounter with Prince William | The Citizen

Erick Venant's discussion with Prince William serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of global health challenges, with both AMR and HIV drug resistance emphasizing the importance of effective treatments and responsible management.

For more detailed information about Prince William's role at the Fleming centre and the center's mission, you can visit the link provided at

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